Saturday, March 12, 2011

Integrating Wisdom and Love on the Breast Cancer Journey

Introduction to my talk to be given by videoconference on Monday March 14 at 8PM EST entitled “Integrating Wisdom and Love on the Breast Cancer Journey”.

I’m really excited about being with you – people who are so proactive with their own health and health care. You really can make such a difference in your health. Just by listening to this talk, you are sending a powerful message to your body and spirit about healing and wholeness. I want to honour you all.

Over the next 45 minutes with Q+A to follow, I want to provide you with a practical and integrated approach to a breast cancer diagnosis that will give you the best chance of healing both physically and otherwise. To draw on the burgeoning scientific evidence and the wisdom of working with 1000’s of women who have faced breast cancer both in clinic and in our support groups.

But instead of just outlining ways to empower your body, mind and spirit, I’d like to take a step back and explore healing from a much bigger perspective. Because the fact is you already know what’s best for you, you have this information – or you can easily figure it out by truly listening your Self – that quiet voice that can guide your every decision towards what’s exactly best for you.

Instead I’m going to address a bigger question:

How can you live your life with so much love and wisdom, with so much purpose and gratitude, that Healing, true healing, will happen naturally. How is it that you can draw on something so deep that the spirit of life and healing infuses your every cell, directs your every action, and lights your spirit in everything you do? How is it that you can draw the highest spiritual principles right down into your life in the day to day? In so doing, transforming your life, healing yourself at levels of body, mind and spirit.

So this talk is more about the attitude you bring to your cancer experience – and how your approach to your own healing can have a profound effect on the actual outcome.

So you’re going to hear practical advice about what to do to promote healing– but moreso I want to focus on Love, and why adopting a loving attitude towards yourself, others and your relationship with life itself can be profoundly healing.

I first learned about the idea of healing over 20 years ago when I was a medical student searching for the type of doctor I wanted to be……

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